Free! Entrance to the Machu Picchu Museum in the afternoon

Entrance to the Machu Picchu museum in the afternoon.

Admission to the Machu Picchu Site Museum is now free in the late shift for the entire public. Tourists of any nationality and age can access this cultural site simply by showing their identity document or passport.

Find out everything about this promotion.


What pieces are in the Machu Picchu Site Museum?

The Manuel Chávez Ballón Site Museum is a cultural site that stores Inca remains found during excavations in Machu Picchu.

Samples include ceramics, lithic tools, metals, bone remains and more.

The place also has a didactic exhibition about the excavation work in the Inca City.

In total there are eight sequences summarized to the public through interactive maps, infographics and videos.

Next to the museum of Machu Picchu is a botanical garden. This place saves some of the 420 species of orchids that exist in Machu Picchu.

Among the other species of flora that inhabit the garden include: the tree ferns, the shoe of the ñusta, the pleuthattis revoluta and more.



How to get to the Machu Picchu Site Museum?

The Manuel Chávez Ballón museum is located on the Hiram Bingham road, at the height of the old 112 kilometer Ruins bridge of the railroad (town of Aguas Calientes).

To get there you must walk from the town of Aguas Calientes towards the Ruinas Bridge (15 minutes walk).


Is admission to the museum free in the afternoon?

Since mid-2018, admission to the Site Museum is free in the afternoon.

This new promotion seeks to encourage afternoon visits to this cultural center for all domestic and foreign tourists.

What is the free admission time to the Site Museum?

The Site Museum opens its doors Monday through Sunday from 8 am to 4 pm



The late shift schedule is from 12 pm to 4 pm During those 4 hours, the visit is free. This promotion is valid for all Peruvian or foreign tourists regardless of age.


What documents to submit to enter the museum for free?

The only requirement to enter for free is to present the national identity document or valid passport.

University students can present their current university card.


Does the free admission include the botanical garden?

Yes. This promotion includes admission to the botanical garden. This enclosure is located next to the Machu Picchu Site Museum.


What are the entrance fees to the Museum?

These are the rates to the Machu Picchu Site Museum 2019:
Entrance fee to the Machu Picchu Museum Price in soles and dollars
Adults 22 soles (7 dollars)
Higher Education Students 11 soles (4 dollars)
School education students 8 soles (3 dollars)
Children under 7 years old Free entry
* All visitors enter for free in the late shift (from 12 pm to 4.00 pm).


What are the schedules of the Machu Picchu + Museum ticket?


To visit Machu Picchu and the Site Museum you must take into account the schedules of each of these places:

The entrance time to Machu Picchu is as follows:


1st. Schedule:

  • Entrance to Machu Picchu from 6 am
  • Entrance to Machu Picchu from 7 am
  • Entrance to Machu Picchu from 8 am

2nd. Schedule:

  • Entrance to Machu Picchu from 9 am
  • Entrance to Machu Picchu from 10 am
  • Entrance to Machu Picchu from 11 am

3rd. Schedule:

  • Entrance to Machu Picchu from 12 pm
  • Entrance to Machu Picchu from 1 pm
  • Entrance to Machu Picchu from 2 pm
Each shift allows a maximum of 4 hours of visit from the moment of admission.

The entrance time to the Site Museum is as follows:

  • Monday to Sunday from 8 am to 4 pm


Interesting facts about the Machu Picchu Site Museum

  • The Site Museum owns some of the Inca pieces returned by Yale University in the United States during the excavations made by the explorer Hiram Bingham in 1911.
  • In 2012, after an agreement between the countries of Peru and the United States, many of these Inca pieces were returned to Cusco.
  • In addition to the Machu Picchu Site Museum, the Casa Concha Museum in the city of Cusco exhibits pieces found in the excavations at Machu Picchu.

Recommendations for a cultural visit to Machu Picchu

  • For a perfect cultural visit in Machu Picchu it is recommended to visit the Inca City in the mornings and the Manuel Chávez Ballón Site Museum in the afternoon shift.
  • The entrance to the Inca City Machu Picchu is mandatory with an official tourist guide.
  • Visiting the Museum is a great alternative to complete the knowledge during the guided tour in Machu Picchu.
  • If you wish to enter the Site Museum in the morning, it is recommended to book the ticket to Machu Picchu in the afternoon.
  • The entrance Machu Picchu + Museum must be reserved at least 3 days in advance. It is recommended to purchase it online.


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