Difference between Machu Picchu and Machu Picchu Mountain

The dream trip to Machu Picchu is full of incredible experiences. It is also the little known hike to Machu Picchu Mountain. Hadn’t you heard of this attraction? It is a different place to the Inca Citadel. Next, learn all about the Mountain, a place at the top of the Wonder of the World.


What is Machu Picchu Mountain?

  • As the name itself says, Machu Picchu Mountain is a mountain located at the top of the Urubamba Canyon at 3 082 meters above sea level (masl).
  • Yes, most of the stone constructions that Hiram Bingham discovered in 1911.
  • From the top of this summit you can see all the landscape splendor: the Inca City, the Huayna Picchu mountain, the Putucusi mountain, the town of Aguas Calientes and more.


Facts about the Inca City of Machu Picchu

  • Name : Inca City of Machu Picchu.
  • Location : At the foot of Machu Picchu mountain.
  • Height : 2,430 masl
  • Hiking trail : 1 hiking trail to Intipunku (Puerta del Sol).
  • Walking time : 2 hours (up and down).
  • Difficulty : Moderate – medium.
  • Inca constructions : Intihuatana, Temple of the Sun, Temple of the Condor, Intipunku, Main Square, Inca Bridge and more.
  • Ticket : Machu Picchu Solo ticket.
  • Visitors : 3000 visitors per day on average.
  • Age limit : There is no age limit.
  • Tourist guide : Required.



Facts about Machu Picchu Mountain

  • Name : Machu Picchu Mountain (old mountain).
  • Location : On top of the Inca City of Machu Picchu.
  • Height : 3,082 masl
  • Hiking route : Walk to the top of Machu Picchu mountain.
  • Walking time : 4 hours (up and down).
  • Difficulty : Moderate – high.
  • Inca constructions : Inca roads.
  • Ticket : Entrance Machu Picchu + Mountain.
  • Visitors : 800 visitors a day.
  • Age limit : There is no age limit.
  • Tour guide : It is not mandatory.


And what is Huayna Picchu?

  • Huayna Picchu or ‘young mountain’ is the summit that is located to the north and above Machu Picchu in the classic postal photo of the Inca Citadel.
  • It is located at 2,693 masl at almost 300 meters above the Inca Llaqta.
  • The steep and vertiginous roads make this one of the main attractions of the visitors.
  • The steps of the Huayna Picchu date from the time of the Incas in the middle of which is the Temple of the Moon.
  • This mountain was also a place of religious worship in the time of the Incas.


What is the difference between Machu Picchu and Machu Picchu Mountain?

  • Machu Picchu refers to the Inca Citadel. This is the archaeological complex where tourists usually make their tourist tour.
  • It is located at 2,430 masl. There are tourist attractions such as: the Intihuatana, Temple of the 3 Windows, Temple of the Condor, Temple of the Sun , etc.
  • The Machu Picchu mountain or ‘old mountain’ is the summit where the Inca Citadel is located and which gave it its name.
  • It is located almost 600 meters above Machu Picchu.
  • His paths have recently been open to the public. To tour them you must book the ticket Machu Picchu + Mountain.


How is the tour of the Machu Picchu Mountain?

  • The roads along the Machu Picchu mountain were recently opened to the public. Today, the road is wide and with well marked signs.
  • It also has places to rest. The route is not as steep compared to that of the Huayna Picchu although it is longer.
  • It is estimated that it has 1600 steps in addition to dirt and stone trails. As you climb the mountain you can glimpse the entire landscape of the place.
  • It is estimated that the ascent may take 1 to 2 hours depending on the physical condition of the visitor. The tour is ideal to do as a family.

What are the schedules of the Machu Picchu + Mountain ticket?

To travel the roads of this summit you must purchase the ticket Machu Picchu + Mountain. This ticket includes a visit to the Inca City. There are 3 schedules that allow enough time to explore both attractions:

  • Machu Picchu Mountain Group 1 :
    • Hours to Machu Picchu – Entry from 6 am
    • Mountain Hours – Entrance from 7 am to 8 am
  • Machu Picchu Mountain Group 2 :
    • Hours to Machu Picchu – Entry from 7 am
    • Mountain Hours – Entrance from 7 am to 8 am
  • Machu Picchu Mountain Group 3 :
    • Hours to Machu Picchu – Entry from 8 am
    • Mountain Hours – Income from 9 am to 10 am

Recommendations to visit the Machu Picchu Mountain

  • It is advisable to book the Machu Picchu + Mountain tickets in advance. Especially in high tourist season (April to October) due to the high influx of visitors.
  • Do not cross the safety cords or look for the roads on your own.
  • The dry season (from April to October) is advisable to make the trip to the Machu Picchu Mountain. However, in the rainy season (from October to March) the landscape becomes greener and ideal for photographs.
  • If you travel with children be sure to watch them closely. Older adults should check with their doctors before taking the walk.

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