Machu Picchu 2019 entrance: availability, changes and prices

Machu Picchu tickets availability 2019

In 2019, the entrance to Machu Picchu continues to be in great demand. To get the ticket and secure the deposit; It must be booked in advance.

Are there changes in Machu Picchu in 2019?

In 2019, the main change in Machu Picchu is the time the visitor stays. Now the tourist can stay a maximum of 4 hours from the moment of entering the Wonder of the World.

Another modification to take into account is that re-entry to the Wonder of the World is not allowed except for reasons of force majeure.

Finally, the entry to the Machu Picchu Manuel Chávez Ballón Museum is free in the afternoon shift (from 12 pm to 4 pm) for all visitors.

Types of ticket and schedules Machu Picchu 2019

As well as 2018, there are 3 types of official entries:

Entrance Machu Picchu Only

  • The morning shift is from 6 am to 12 pm
  • The afternoon shift is from 12 pm to 5.30 pm

Entrance Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu

  • 1st Group is from 6 am to 1 pm (the entrance to Waynapicchu is from 7 am to 8 am)
  • 2nd Group is from 6 am to 2 pm (the entrance to Waynapicchu is from 10 am to 11 am)

Entrance Machu Picchu + Mountain

  • 1st Group is from 6 am to 2 pm (the entrance to Machu Picchu Mountain is from 7 am to 8 am)
  • 2nd Group is from 6 am to 3 pm (the entrance to the Machu Picchu Mountain is from 9 am to 10 am)

How to buy the entrance Machu Picchu 2019?

There are 2 ways to buy tickets Machu Picchu: in person at an authorized office in Cusco or from any country through the internet.

How to buy the 2019 ticket in Cusco (Peru)?

To buy the ticket, the visitor must go to the authorized offices and make the purchase with their passport, identity document or university card.

The authorized offices are:

  • In the Garcilaso House: Garcilaso Street s / n Cusco – Peru.
  • In the Desconcertada Direction of Culture Cusco: Calle Maruri 324, Cusco – Peru.
  • In Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu village): Avenida Pachacutec s / n.

How to buy the 2019 ticket online?

To buy the ticket online, the tourist must enter the official sales website of the Ministry of Culture of Peru and buy the tickets. Another option is to do it through the website of an authorized tourism agency.

The steps to follow are those:

  • Enter the 2019 ticket sales website.
  • Check the availability of the ticket type on the desired date and time.
  • Complete the personal information of the visitor.
  • Make the payment of the entrance fee Machu Picchu with a credit or debit card.
  • Print the tickets and present them on the day of the visit.

How to get discounts in Machu Picchu?

In 2019, Machu Picchu offers discounts at the entrance price for university students, minors and citizens of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN): Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia.

Discounts for university students

  • This benefit applies to undergraduate students under the age of 25 who are studying at the time of their visit.
  • The purchase of the ticket is done presenting the valid university card.
  • The ISIC student card is no longer valid to buy the Machu Picchu ticket.
  • The discount ticket for students can only be purchased in person in Cusco or through the website of an authorized tourism agency.

Discounts for minors

  • This benefit applies to children or adolescents between 8 and 17 years old from all countries.
  • The purchase of the ticket is with the passport or identity document that certifies the minor’s age.
  • The income is accompanied by his father, mother, both or a proxy.
  • This type of ticket can only be purchased in person in Cusco or through the website of an authorized tourism agency.

Discounts for CAN citizens

  • This benefit applies to the citizens of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador or Bolivia.
  • The purchase is made by presenting the passport or identity document that certifies the visitor’s nationality.
  • The citizens of these countries who are also minors or university students; They have an even higher discount.
  • This type of ticket can be purchased in person in Cusco.
  • It is also possible to do it online with the official website of the Ministry of Culture of Peru or through the website of an authorized tourism agency.

Methods of payment of the ticket Machu Picchu

The payment of the ticket in person in Cusco can be made with cash in credit or debit card.

Payment online is made with these payment methods:

Payment by Visa card

  • The official website of the Ministry of Culture of Peru only accepts ‘Verified by Visa’ cards for the purchase of tickets Machu Picchu.
  • The websites of authorized tourism agencies also accept Visa as a method of payment.

Payment with paypal

  • The websites of the tourist agencies use PayPal as the main method of payment.
  • PayPal is an online payment method that is characterized by speed and security. Accepts any type of credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express).

Payment with a bank transfer

  • The payment of the ticket Machu Picchu by a bank transfer is a method used by tourism agencies.
  • This method is easy. It only requires completing a form, making the payment and waiting for the deposit to become affective.

How to get the Machu Picchu 2019 tickets in advance?

One of the main problems during the purchase of the Machu Picchu entrance is availability.

To ensure a visit to the Wonder of the World, each type of ticket must be purchased with a certain type of anticipation:

  • Entrance Machu Picchu Only: reservation 2 or 3 weeks in advance.
  • Entrance Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu: reservation with 2 or 3 weeks in advance.
  • Entrance Machu Picchu + Mountain: reservation with 2 or 3 weeks in advance.


Questions and answers about the entrance Machu Picchu 2019

Can I buy the entrance Machu Picchu 2019 if it is still 2018?

Yes. Tickets are available from December 2018. Unfortunately, it is not possible to do it before.

Machu Picchu closes some day of the year in 2019?

No. Machu Picchu remains open every day of 2019 except unforeseen emergency situations. Only the Inca Trail is closed in February 2019.

How to hire a tour guide in Machu Picchu for 2019?

In 2019, the entrance to Machu Picchu accompanied by a tour guide is mandatory. To contract one you must hire one online or at the entrance gate of the Inca site.

Are the prices of the ticket Machu Picchu in 2019 the same?

Yes. The rates are maintained as in previous years except a statement from the Ministry of Culture of Peru.

Is it safe to buy Machu Picchu 2019 online?

In 2019, buying online is still the main way to buy tickets. Tourism agencies must be authorized and have security systems online.

How to enter the Machu Picchu Museum for free in 2019?

In 2019, the entrance to the Machu Picchu Manuel Chávez Ballón Museum is free in the late shift (from 12 pm to 4 pm) For this, the tourist must only present their passport or university card at the time of entry.


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