This last Inca bridge, made of fabric is a work of engineering and is renewed every year

The prehispanic peoples were noted for having a fairly advanced technology, as indicated by the archaeological and paleontological findings that have become known more and more frequently.

Although the time of the Inca civilization has ended, a large part of the culture is still preserved and has been passed on from generation to generation, so that even today some of its technology has survived and is still applied today. daily life.

In the video above you can see a sample of it where you can see a bridge that since pre-Hispanic times have managed to preserve the indigenous descendants of the Inca people.

The particularity of this bridge is that it is completely woven. In addition, its fibers are from a plant cultivated in the upper part of the Andes, however the bridge has enough resistance.

Take a look at the 28 meters of this wonderful work of Andean engineering that has been renewed for 5 centuries.

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